At school
If you're interested in pursuing a career in the wine sector, there are several subjects that can be helpful to study in school, including chemistry, biology, maths, agriculture, technologies, hospitality and tourism, marketing and business, food science, and languages.
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
South Australia
- Birdwood High School
- Clare High School
- Faith Lutheran College, Tanunda
- Lucindale Area School
- Mount Compass Area School
- Nuriootpa High School
- Riverton and District High School
- Scotch College
- St Joseph's School, Clare
- St Marks College Port Pirie
- Streaky Bay Area School
- Tatachilla Lutheran College
- Urrbrae Agricultural High School
- Waikerie High School
- Willunga High School
- Xavier College

Pathways and tertiary studies
Depending on your chosen field, you could study for a Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate Degree at University or an Agricultural College – or you could progressively work through the various Certificates in Viticulture or Food Processing (Wine) at TAFE or other Registered Training Organisations while ‘on-the-job’.
Vocational courses take account of the work you do – the practical experience you gain at work and the skills you use – and often they’re done during work time with financial support from your employer. Either way, you’ll be nationally accredited. That means, if you choose to travel, you take your qualifications with you.
Lists are provided for information purposes only; they are not recommendations and may not cover all available options at a point in time. Students are advised to conduct their own research when planning study and career opportunities. Lists compiled December 2023.
Selection of undergraduate post-school study options
South Australia
University of Adelaide: Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology
TAFE SA: Viticulture and Wine Industry Operations
New South Wales
Charles Sturt University: Bachelor of Viticulture and Bachelor of Wine Science
TAFE NSW: Wine Industry Operations and Sydney Wine Academy
Melbourne Polytechnic: Viticulture and Winemaking
GO TAFE Victoria: Viticulture and Winemaking
University of Southern Queensland: Bachelor of Science (Wine Science) and Diploma of Wine
Griffith University: Wine Studies
Bond University: Wine Studies
University of Tasmania: Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture
TAFE Tasmania: Wine Industry Operations
Western Australia
TAFE Western Australia: Diploma of Viticulture
Other sites for planning your study and career opportunities
There are various viticulture and wine specific scholarships available. As these are offered by individual universities or others including the sector, we encourage you to do your own research. This list is a start point.
I’m keen, where do I start? Employment pathways

How to do a vintage?

Ag Gap Year
If you’re aged 17 to 25 this unique program provides you with a paid job, training and development, not to mention the opportunity to build networks within the industry and with other young people working across all agriculture industries around Australia.

Seasonal employment

Jobs and employment

Wine and Spirit Education Trust
One of the key reasons for the creation of a WSET qualification was to provide a systematic approach to tasting wine across the wine trade, so that wine professionals could speak about wine with a common language.
- Vitis vinifera is the name of the common grape vine. There are now more than 10,000 varieties of winegrapes worldwide but only a few dozen are widely used for commercial production. Many of these varieties have been developed using grafting and other methods to produce hybrids.
- The sector depends on the correct identification of different grape varieties and clones of grapevines. Many scientific methods are used to do this including microbiology, chemistry and ampelography.
- Research conducted by scientists at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) suggests that extremely rare and independent mutations in two genes of red grapes [VvMYBA1 and VvMYBA2] produced a single white grapevine that was the parent of almost all the world's white grape varieties. If only one gene had been mutated, most grapes would still be red and we would not have the more than 3000 white grape cultivars available today.
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