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Shipments to mainland China boost Australian wine export volume and value to 3-year highs
Last updated 22 Oct 2024

In the 12 months ended September 2024, Australian wine exports increased by 34 per cent in value to $2.39 billion and by 7 per cent in volume to 643 million litres, according to Wine Australia’s Export Report released today.

Solutions for disposal of CCA trellis posts under investigation as winegrape growers reminded of their environmental and legal responsibilities
Last updated 04 Oct 2024

Wine Australia is urging growers and vineyard managers to continue to safely store unwanted CCA-treated timber trellis posts as the sector seeks solutions for their sustainable disposal.

A recent survey of vineyard owners, funded by Wine Australia, revealed there was an estimated 89 million timber posts installed in vineyards across Australia to trellis vines, of which 78% are treated with CCA — a timber preservative containing copper, chromium and arsenic that protects it from fungal and insect attack.

Wine Australia welcomes new Board
Last updated 30 Sep 2024

Wine Australia welcomes Saturday’s announcement from the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Hon Julie Collins MP, that five non-executive directors have been appointed to the Wine Australia Board to serve a three-year term from 1 October 2024.

Historic first step towards a National Vineyard Register
Last updated 27 Sep 2024

A National Vineyard Register for Australia's grape and wine sector is one step closer.

The register was identified in the recently released One Grape & Wine Sector Plan as a priority for rebalancing supply and demand within the sector.

Wine Australia has commenced work on this important resource which will collate national data on the area of bearing and non-bearing vines, the age profile of vines, varieties planted and location by geographical indication.

Australian wines a flying success at trade shows in North America and the Nordics
Last updated 26 Sep 2024

Wine Australia continues to elevate Australian wine on the global stage, achieving more success last week at trade shows in key North American and Nordic markets. The roadshows - in Houston (USA), Vancouver (Canada), Stockholm (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark) between 17-19 September 2024 - were a platform for Australian wineries to engage directly with trade contacts in each city including sommeliers, retail buyers, distributors, educators and media.

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Latest articles
Bringing robots and a chemical-free disease solution together to control powdery mildew
Last updated 16 Oct 2024

A two-year trial is underway in Victoria’s Great Western region that is combining the use of an autonomous robot with a non-chemical solution to control powdery mildew.

Best practice in tackling grapevine trunk disease
Last updated 16 Oct 2024

With spring well and truly underway, growers and vineyard managers may have started to notice stunted shoots in their vineyards. This can be a symptom of Eutypa Dieback (ED).

Demand for deeper wine sector workforce insights
Last updated 16 Oct 2024

You may be surprised to learn that Australia has a better handle on the sheep population than on the workforce which powers our agricultural sector.

Participate in important study on gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the wine sector
Last updated 10 Oct 2024

The future success of Australia’s wine sector is closely tied to the sector’s ability to support its people. Gender equality is a key factor in ensuring the industry can attract and retain talent, and has been identified as an area of focus in the recently released One Grape and Wine Sector Plan by Wine Australia and Australian Grape & Wine.

Cultivating the Next Crop of grape and wine sector leaders in Margaret River and McLaren Vale
Last updated 06 Sep 2024

Thirty-three emerging leaders in Margaret River and McLaren Vale have embarked on the latest Next Crop program, a regional platform to introduce leadership, business and management skills to build capacity within wine regions. 

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Latest market bulletins
Southeast Asia, part II: the lands of opportunity?
Last updated 15 Oct 2024

Australian wines were showcased in Indonesia and the Philippines on October 7 and 9 respectively as part of Wine Australia and Austrade’s Southeast Asia Roadshow. 

In the second part of profiling four key Southeast Asian markets, this bulletin explores trends in Indonesia and the Philippines, including where the Australian wine category is placed and how it is performing.

Southeast Asia: the lands of opportunity for Australian wine?
Last updated 01 Oct 2024

Due to close proximity to Australia, large populations and strong economic growth, Southeast Asia is an attractive region for Australian wine exporters to consider. While wine currently has a relatively small share of the total alcoholic drinks market in each market, wine consumption is forecast to grow in the next five years. In contrast, wine consumption is forecast to continue to decline in major, established markets such as Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

How has wine consumption in the UK been impacted by economic and behavioural change?
Last updated 17 Sep 2024

The United Kingdom is Australia’s number one export market by volume and Australian wine is well known in the market, especially in the off-premise. As such, Australian wine’s performance in the market is closely tied to the large-scale factors impacting the market – such as inflation and declining disposable income, increasing alcohol duties, and declining wine consumption per person. Wine Australia’s newly released UK Market Update report provides a detailed analysis of these trends for current and prospective Australian wine exporters. This Market Bulletin will highlight key parts of the report.

The latest insights from the Nordic wine markets
Last updated 03 Sep 2024

Together, the Nordic markets of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden represent 30 million litres of Australian wine exports – about 5 per cent of the volume exported in the 12 months to June 2024. As wine markets around the world adjust to consumer trends and spending, the Nordic markets are not immune and this Market Bulletin will highlight some of these latest trends.

Do Australian retail trends line up with the 2024 vintage results?
Last updated 20 Aug 2024

The 2024 Australian vintage was most distinctive for the increase in tonnage and share of white varieties, while reds – and Shiraz in particular – were well down on their long-term average crush. This market bulletin looks at whether the latest retail sales figures for the Australian domestic market reflect these same trends, and identifies which varieties are most in demand.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.