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Export Market Guide - Thailand

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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All regulatory information for exporting wine to Thailand, including the regulatory environment, duties and taxes, and permitted additives.

Unless an exemption has been granted by Wine Australia, grape products exported from Australia must comply with the Food Standards Code. Accordingly, the labelling and wine standards information in Wine Australia’s Export Market Guides should be read in conjunction with Wine Australia’s Licensing and Compliance Guide which contains the requirements of the Food Standards Code and applicable exemptions.

The Thai economy is South-East Asia's second largest and one of its fastest growing. The system of government is a constitutional monarchy which was established in the early 1930s. The King and the Royal family have little direct power, however it is illegal to insult or criticise them which has led to some political injustice during election campaigns. Political instability has been an ongoing issue in Thailand.

The Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) entered into force in January 2005, facilitating two-way trade and investment between the two countries as well as ensuring greater access for Australian products in the Thai market. Australian wine will benefit from the TAFTA by preferential tariff treatment.

Australia and New Zealand signed a Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN (AANZFTA) in February 2009. AANZFTA is the largest FTA Australia has concluded. ASEAN is worth about $89 million in average annual exports of Australian wine. Under AANZFTA Thailand will phase all its tariffs to 0% by 2020. Tariffs on Australian products are eliminated earlier in TAFTA. This tariff schedule is provided in Duties and Taxes below. The internal taxes on wine in Thailand are hefty, and TAFTA does not address these as they are applicable to both imported and domestic wine.

The Thai government’s alcohol control laws ban alcohol commercials through media channels between the hours of 0600 to 2200 with only the brand name and product picture allowed to be shown. The ban applies to all forms of advertising, including the media, at theatres, shows and social functions. Restrictions apply to opening times for certain types of businesses. The minimum age at which people can buy alcohol was increased from 18 to 20 years. Sales of alcohol are banned in educational institutes, temples and gas stations as well as on certain Buddhist holidays other than through permitted hotels.

Thai Cultural Awareness Training

This virtual tailored workshop will provide you with a strong understanding of the cultural aspects of doing business in Thailand and equip you with tools to succeed in doing business, building relationships and working with Thai customers. You will also gain insight from members of the wine trade with experience in market who will discuss the main intercultural challenges they have faced, the barriers to effective communication and their top tips to help others succeed by doing business.



Regulatory environment

Thailand has an extensive system of tax regulations in relation to alcohol. The relevant authorities for wine regulation include the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Public Health.

The relevant laws include the Food Act B.E 2522 (1979) administered by the Food and Drug Administration and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act B.E 2551 (2008) administered by the Alcohol Beverage Control Committee. Labelling requirements for alcoholic beverages are stipulated in Ministerial Notification No. 275 of B.E. 2540 (1997) and Notification of the Alcohol Beverage Control Committee Re: Criteria, Procedures, and Conditions for Labels of Alcoholic Beverages B.E. 2558 (2015).

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.