Performance and reporting
Annual Report
The Wine Australia Annual Report 2022–23 (see Archived documents for previous years) details our activities and achievements in supporting a competitive wine sector and delivering on our Strategic Plan 2020–25, our Annual Operational Plan 2023–24 and our Portfolio Budget Statements.
Independent Performance Review
In accordance with our Statutory Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth Government, Wine Australia engaged an independent consultant to undertake a comprehensive review of our performance between July 2019 and December 2022.
The terms of reference were to evaluate Wine Australia’s performance against the Performance Principles (and Guidelines) in Section 9.2 of our Statutory Funding Agreement 2020–2030 with the Commonwealth Government.
Download the Final Report and Wine Australia's response.
Best practice stakeholder consultation
The Best Practice Guide to Stakeholder Consultation – Wine Australia (the Guide) provides a set of guiding principles which apply to all rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs) – recognising that each RDC is different and engages differently with stakeholders. The Guide also outlines what good stakeholder consultation looks like for Wine Australia and describes how industry would like to be consulted in the identification of research, development and extension (and marketing) priorities.
An outline of Wine Australia's stakeholder engagement is published in our Annual Report 2022-23. Any questions or comments about the Guide can be directed to
Extension and adoption review
One of the recommendations of the 2019 independent performance review of Wine Australia was that the organisation ‘review the way it manages extension and adoption of R&D outcomes and to consider whether a more structured approach is required’.
This report presents the findings of this review. The review looked at contemporary theories in extension, behaviour change and related disciplines, and examined how wine and other agriculture sectors in Australia are applying these. An extensive review of relevant plans, reports and survey findings was undertaken as well as comprehensive sector consultation of both service providers and sector practitioners. The findings from these analyses are applied and recommendations provided to Wine Australia to adjust its current approach with a sector strategy for extension and adoption proposed, see Extension and adoption strategy 2020-25.
Adoption impact case studies
A range of good examples of extension activities working well in practice were identified during the course of the extension and adoption review. Case studies of the following programs are available: Growing Wine Exports, Grapevine trunk disease, Demonstration vineyards, Brettanomyces.
Research and Innovation Projects
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2014-15
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2015-16
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2016-17
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2017-18
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2018-19
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2019-20
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2020-21
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2021-22
- Benefit Cost Analysis of Wine Australia R&D Investments 2022-23
- Grape and Wine Practice Adoption Survey 2018 report
- Grape and Wine Practise Adoption Survey 2019 report
- Oxygen Case Study
- Sunscreen Case Study
- Heatwaves Case Study
Export and Regional Wine Support Package final evaluation
Deloitte Access Economics conducted a final performance evaluation of the Export and Regional Wine Support Package (ERWSP) managed on behalf of the Australian Government by Wine Australia.
The report confirms that, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the imposition of deposit tariffs on Australian wine imported to China, the diligent administration of the ERWSP by Wine Australia has successfully facilitated the growth of the Australian grape and wine sector by increasing demand for Australian wine exports and international wine tourism, and strengthening wine export and international wine tourism capabilities. You can view read Wine Australia management's response.
Board review
Effective Governance undertook an independent evaluation of the performance of the Wine Australia Board between February and April 2020.
The findings and recommendations from the evaluation were presented jointly to the Wine Australia Board and the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
The executive summary of the report is available here.
Senior Executive Remuneration
Senior Executive Remuneration As required by the Australian Government, Wine Australia discloses the remuneration of its Senior Executives. The Remuneration Committee of the Wine Australia Board, ensures the appropriate oversight and approval of the remuneration policies and practices. The committee also reviews the remuneration policies and practices to ensure that there is alignment between executive reward and Wine Australia's performance.
Wine Australia's executive remuneration consists solely of fixed annual remuneration. Fixed remuneration takes into account the size and complexity of the executive's role and the skills and experience required to succeed in such a position.
The information included in our Annual Report includes detail on the scope and value of remuneration for Wine Australia executive staff. Executive staff are defined to include the Chief Executive Officer and the members of the Senior Leadership Team. These executives have authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of Wine Australia
Key requirements and definitions
Reportable salary is defined as the sum of:
- gross payments
- reportable fringe benefits, and
- reportable employer superannuation contributions as reported in an individual's payment summary.
Contributed superannuation is defined as:
- for individuals who are not in a defined benefit scheme, the defined contribution amounts.
- for individuals who are in a defined benefit scheme (e.g. PSS and CSS), contributed superannuation includes the Notional Employer Contribution (NECR), Employer Productivity Superannuation Contribution (also known as the Productivity Component) and any Additional Lump Sum Contribution paid.
Reportable allowances equal the total allowances figure as reported in an individual’s payment summary. Reportable allowances exclude any allowances already reported in the gross payments line in the payment summary.
Gift Register
We report all gifts, benefits and hospitality received by our directors and senior management team over $50.
Reporting ensures our that we meet public expectations of integrity, accountability, independence, transparency and professionalism.
Gift Register - 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
Cost Recovery Implementation Statement
The Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Charging for Regulatory Activities) Order 2017 (Order) requires Wine Australia to maintain a cost recovery implementation statement (CRIS) relating to its regulatory charging activity.
Download Wine Australia's CRIS which is valid from 1 July 2024.