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Market insights – Asia

Asia, including North East Asia, South East Asia and other Asian countries, comprises nearly 50 different markets according to the United Nations, with a range of distinct cultural, religious and social practices. There are over 20 wine markets on this continent, but most are very small, with low per capita consumption despite large populations. The largest wine markets are China, Japan and South Korea, while the fastest-growing are South Korea, India and Thailand.

Image source: Adobe Stock

Report listing

Restricted to levy payers and wine exporters. Some reports are available for purchase - find out more

China Wine Landscapes

Latest update: 17 Jul 2024

The latest Wine Intelligence Wine Landscapes report on the China wine market provides an overview of the consumption behaviour and attitude towards imported and domestic wine among regular wine consumers in the Chinese domestic market.

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Japan Wine Landscapes

Latest update: 17 Jul 2024

The latest Wine Intelligence Management Summary on the Japan wine market provides an overview of the consumption behaviour and attitude towards imported and domestic wine among regular wine consumers in the Japanese domestic market.

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Export Market Development Guidebooks: key Asian markets

Latest update: 23 May 2024

The Export Market Development Guidebooks have been prepared by Euromonitor on behalf of Austrade and Wine Australia, to help Australian wine exporters make informed decisions through the provision of enhanced market intelligence reports.

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Japan and South Korea Market Updates 2024

Latest update: 21 May 2024

On 10 April 2024, Austrade and Wine Australia hosted a webinar covering market conditions, opportunities and upcoming activities for Japan and Korea. This 70 minute webinar provided wineries and producers with an understanding of the current state of the market, opportunities and challenges for Australian wine, local trade insights and cultural aspects, and upcoming activities.

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Wine import market reports

Latest update: 24 Apr 2024

Summarises wine imports for various markets by three categories - bulk wine, bottled wine and sparkling wine. The report assists Australian wine exporters understand trends in global wine trade.

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Uncorking new opportunities for Australian Wine in Japan and South Korea

Latest update: 10 Aug 2022

The Uncorking new opportunities for Australian Wine in Japan and South Korea report has been prepared by Starburst Insights on behalf of Australian Grape & Wine to provide Australian winemakers with fresh information and consumer insights for two critical export markets.

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Market Update: Vietnam

Latest update: 19 Oct 2021

The Market Update report for Vietnam from October 2021 is an in-depth analysis of the wine market in Vietnam. It pulls together information from various data sources to summarise the size of the opportunity and Australia’s current performance in this market.

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South Korean Market Intelligence Resource for South Australian Wine Businesses

Latest update: 09 Sep 2021

The South Korean Market Intelligence Resource for South Australian Wine Businesses provides a comprehensive summary of the South Korean wine market and tips and tools to help exporters achieve success.

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Japanese Market Intelligence Resource for South Australian Wine Businesses

Latest update: 09 Sep 2021

The Japanese Market Intelligence Resource for South Australian Wine Businesses provides a comprehensive summary of the Japanese wine market and tips and tools to help exporters achieve success.

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Market Update: key Asian markets

Latest update: 31 Aug 2021

The Market Update report for key Asian markets from August 2021 is a high-level overview of key Australian export markets in Asia that summarises the size of the opportunity and Australia’s current performance in these markets.

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China market insights report

Latest update: 09 Sep 2019

Australian exporters looking to learn more about the wine market in mainland China can get valuable information from Wine Australia’s China Market Insights Report. The report provides an overview of the market conditions and characteristics, wine imports and Australian wine exports, global trends, consumer insights and competitor case studies. It also provides channel analysis, discusses sales trends, doing business in China and market access.

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Further reading

Market bulletins
Short articles published fortnightly covering the latest trends and reports on markets, varieties and consumers.
Australian Wine Discovered
Free information, tools and resources to learn, communicate and educate about Australian wine
Interactive Insights
Wine Australia’s series of interactive dashboards with data on market conditions, exports, production and wine regions.
Ask an Analyst
Book a free online meeting or training session with one of the Market Insights team analysts

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.