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One Grape & Wine Sector Plan

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan is a high-level directional strategy for the entire sector, with Australian grape and wine producers at its heart. 

It maps out where our sector has told us to direct our collective efforts to make the most difference in responding to recent challenges and get our sector back on track to achieve the long-term goals as set out in Vision 2050.

In developing the One Grape & Wine Sector Plan, we worked with people from across the breadth of our sector to set priorities and identify ways that we can work together towards a common goal. Consultation identified the strategic priorities on which the sector wants to focus its energy, efforts and resources.

The Plan is intended to empower our network of regional and state associations and service bodies to align our collective activities and investments – to refocus our combined efforts for the next six years.

By working together, we can address the challenges we face and build a stronger, more resilient, and sustainable grape and wine sector for the future.

Download the draft One Grape & Wine Sector Plan

Consultation on Draft Plan is now closed 

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Draft One Grape & Wine Sector Plan. Consultation is now closed for comment.

What's next?

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan will be launched on 2 August at the Wine Industry Update 2024.

Wine Industry Update 2024 - Revise. Reset. Rebound

Following the launch of the One Grape & Wine Sector Plan, Wine Australia will give an update of the current state of play for the Australian wine sector, an exporter update, and the initiatives under market development, regulation and research and innovation for 2024–25 and how this links to the sector’s priorities in the One Grape & Wine Sector Plan.

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Why do we need this Plan?

There have been major changes within the Australian grape and wine sector over the past few years and the impact is being felt by everyone in the community.

We have a resilient sector that is no stranger to challenges. But the perfect storm of issues we’ve encountered since 2020 is unprecedented. There's a need to work together to collectively address the issues facing everyone, rather than going it alone.

We need a single, unifying plan for the Australian grape and wine community that is strategic, responsive and ensures strong alignment, collaboration and innovation to address the challenges and opportunities at hand.

What is the timeline for the One Grape & Wine Sector Plan?

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan will set out the sector-wide strategic priorities through to 2030.

Who was consulted?

Sector-wide consultation on the Plan ran from July to October 2023 and was led by ACIL Allen, Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia, who worked closely with state and regional associations from around Australia. 

We received more than 400 responses to the national survey, interviewed 42 people and conducted 17 in-person and online workshops with more than 500 participants spanning the Great Southern to Hunter Valley, and many regions in between. The feedback from these consultations has informed the draft One Grape & Wine Sector Plan.

When we set out, we stated that we needed to “get our heads together and ensure there’s strong alignment, collaboration and innovation to tackle the challenges (and opportunities) we’re facing, both collectively and effectively”. Over the past few months of consultation, we have witnessed incredible camaraderie across the sector that has delivered a shared, unifying strategy for Australia’s grape and wine sector.  

What does this mean for Vision 2050?

The foundational principals of Vision 2050 remain. However, we need to act now as a sector to create a set of goals that incorporate the changes and recent events we’ve collectively been dealing with. We need to discuss the timelines for responses and consider where more immediate responses are needed. With input costs increasing and resources constrained, we need a unified strategy that clearly identifies roles and responsibilities for each governing body in the sector and sets out a clear path forward.

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan considers what is critical to prioritise from now until 2030 to get the sector back on track to achieve its vision and address real change for the challenges that we’re facing.

How does it differ from Wine Australia's Strategic Plan for 2025–30?

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan is an industry-wide plan, setting out where the sector will work together to achieve a collective vision.

Strategic priorities within Wine Australia's remit (as set out in the Wine Australia Act 2013) will be driven through our annual operating plans (AOPs) and Wine Australia's Strategic Plan for 2025–30.

How will the Plan be governed?

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan has been developed for the sector, by the sector. 

For the first three years, Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia have agreed to oversee the plan’s governance by:

  • engaging with stakeholders individually and convening annually to review
  • progress and future activities across the sector
  • establishing sector working groups for the highest priorities issues requiring collaboration
  • publishing an annual review of the One Grape & Wine Sector Plan in collaboration with stakeholders, and
  • reviewing the One Grape & Wine Sector Plan actions with stakeholders to ensure it remains fit-for-purpose after the third year.

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.