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10 May 2021

Wine Australia has launched a new Interactive Insights portal – giving grapegrowers and winemakers 24 x 7 access to the latest wine export and grape production data.

Wine Australia Chief Executive Officer Andreas Clark said access to information was a critical factor in developing sustainable businesses and the portal had been developed to help the sector analyse the latest data.

‘This resource will give the sector the power to do individualised research on exports, crush, winegrape price, vineyard plantings and global wine markets whenever they need access to this powerful information’, Mr Clark said.

‘We worked with grapegrowers, winemakers and regional associations to develop these tools, which are now available for everyone.’

The results of data queries can be downloaded into Excel or saved in PDF format for sharing within businesses or regions.

The tools that are accessible from  include:

  • the Export dashboard – a comprehensive look at Australian wine export data drawing on Wine Australia’s quarterly export reports
  • the National Vintage Survey dashboard – access to Australian vintage crush and winegrape price information, with data drawn from Wine Australia’s National Vintage Survey 
  • the Market Explorer – a business planning tool bringing together several datasets relevant to exporting Australian wine, and
  • the Wine Geographical Indications (GIs) dashboard – an interactive map that allows you to explore Australian wine regions.

One of the team of users who helped develop the dashboard, Duncan Ashcroft, Category and Insights Analyst at Samuel Smith & Son, said the charts were clear and colourful and you could hover over sections for extra detail; the filters allowed the dashboard to show a high level picture but also allowed users to easily drill into the detail.

You can register for training on the portal homepage or watch a short instructional video.

For media enquiries please contact

Email or phone 08 8228 2000. 

About Wine Australia

Wine Australia supports a competitive wine sector by investing in research, development and adoption (RD&A), growing domestic and international markets, protecting the reputation of Australian wine and administering the Export and Regional Wine Support Package (ERWSP).

Wine Australia is an Australian Commonwealth Government statutory authority, established under the Wine Australia Act 2013, and funded by grape growers and winemakers through levies and user-pays charges and the Australian Government, which provides matching funding for RD&A investments and funds the ERWSP.

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.