Two new skills development programs packed with practical information and useful tools are being launched to help drive success in wine exporting and wine tourism, with the support of the Australian Government’s $50 million Export and Regional Wine Support Package (the $50m Package).
Growing Wine Exports – commencing in wine regions from 2 October 2018 – provides practical, hands-on working sessions and workshops for new and existing wine exporters looking to select, enter and/or build export markets. The working sessions are designed to evaluate export prospects and the workshops are focused on building an effective export plan.
Growing Wine Tourism – commencing late October 2018 – is for people wanting to take a more strategic approach to developing and delivering their wine tourism products and services, including understanding the visitor economy and their international readiness.
The programs will be delivered to wine regions through workshops, webinars and online learning.
Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Senator Anne Ruston said, ‘a key factor for growth in the wine sector is capturing opportunities in major export markets, such as the USA and China.
‘But there’s also an opportunity to expand our wine tourism offering and treat wine products as liquid postcards for our regions.
‘These programs will equip businesses with plans, tools and advice to increase their chance of success in global markets’, she said.
Wine Australia Chief Executive Officer Andreas Clark said, ‘the impact of the program tools and detailed market analysis will be fantastic for the wine sector.
‘Whether you’re a new or existing exporter – or a wine business looking to expand your wine tourism offering – developing a strategy that cuts-through can be challenging.
‘Participants will receive advice about reducing the risks associated with exports and wine tourism, and, in turn, will strengthen our global reputation for fine wine and tourism’, he said.
More information about the programs is available at
For media enquiries please contact
Amelia Harris, Communications Manager ($50m Package)
Wine Australia
Phone: +61 437 714 571 | 08 8228 2039
About Wine Australia
Wine Australia supports a competitive wine sector by investing in research, development and extension (RD&E), growing domestic and international markets, protecting the reputation of Australian wine and administering the Export and Regional Wine Support Package.
Wine Australia is an Australian Commonwealth Government statutory authority, established under the Wine Australia Act 2013, and funded by grape growers and winemakers through levies and user-pays charges and the Australian Government, which provides matching funding for RD&E investments.