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Market Ready India

A three-part series
10 Aug 2022 Online Watch replay
10 Aug 2022
Details &

Australia and India signed an Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement on 2 Aprilwhich is expected to generate opportunities for Australian exporters.

In response to recent interest we’ve received from wine businesses, Wine Australia partnered with the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) to host a three-part series of one-hour online seminars for Australian wine producers and exporters.

With a spotlight on Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, the seminars were designed to provide Australian wine exporters with a comprehensive understanding of opportunities and challenges to help determine whether India is a viable export market for their business.

Austrade representatives, in market trade experts and members of Wine Australia’s Market Insights and Regulatory team covered key topics with the three-part series structured as follows:

  • Opportunities, cultural context and qualitative insights
  • market structure, channels and key players
  • consumer and trade insights 
  • the regulatory environment, transport considerations
  • importer/ distributor viewpoints on steps for success and available support for exporters.

For more information about this event please contact